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Suggestion for creating a general reference procedure

Posted: Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:06 pm
by danny_pip
Hi Tickstory,

I believe a lot of people are struggling with the fact that the downloaded tickdata (history and fxt) are well installed en reliable.
Therefore it should be a great thing if some kind of reference routine could be run, for instance an EA that runs over a certain period and that shows a certain expected results that could be used as a reference.
I also miss good descriptions of all fields (for instance for exporting) in the help manual.

Just my thoughts !


Re: Suggestion for creating a general reference procedure

Posted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 12:24 am
by tickstory
Hi Danny,

Many thanks for the feedback. Can you explain what you mean by "reference routine"? Are you suggesting that the data be checked for data gaps or something else?
Re: The MT4 fields, we are working on a grid which should give more information and hopefully simplify the process of setting the correct information (commission, for example, will be translated to more recognisable options such as "Charge Per trade" rather than zeros and ones). Bear in mind that MT4 doesn't officially document any of this so we need to be wary that things might change without notice.
